State Service (Preliminary) Examination
1. History of India
- Concepts and Ideas Ancient Indian Knowledge Tradition, Bharatvarsha, Vedas, Upanishad, Aranyaka, Brahman Granth, Shaddarshan, Smritiyan, Rit Sabha-Samiti, Gantantra(Republic), Varnashrama, Purushartha, Rin Sanskara, Panch Mahayagya/Yagya, Principle of Karma, Bodhisatva, Teerthankar.
- Salient features, Events and their administrative, Social and Economic Systems of Ancient and Medieval India.
- India's cultural heritage- Artforms, literature, festivals and events.
- Social and Religious Reform Movements in 19th and 20th century.
- Independence Struggle and Indian National Movement.
- Integration and Reorganization of India after Independence.
2. History, Culture and Literature of Madhya Pradesh
- Major Events and Major Dynasties of Madhya Pradesh.
- Contribution of Madhya Pradesh in Freedom Movement.
- Major Arts and Sculpture of Madhya Pradesh.
- Major Tribes and Dialects of Madhya Pradesh.
- Major Festivals, Folk Music, Folk Arts and Folk literature of Madhya Pradesh.
- Important literary Creators of Madhya Pradesh and their Literary Creations.
- Major Tourist Places of Religious, Cultural and Archaeological Importance in Madhya Pradesh.
- World Heritage sites in Madhya Pradesh.
- Important Tribal Personalities of Madhya Pradesh.
3. Geography of India
- Mountains, Hills, Plateaus, Rivers and Lakes.
- Climate phenomena- El Nino, La Nina, Southern Oscillation, Western Disturbance, Consequences of Climate Change.
- Natural Resources - Forest, Minerals, Water Resources.
- Major Crops, Food Security, Green Revolution, Strategies for the Second Green Revolution.
- Conventional and Non-Conventional sources of energy.
- Natural hazards and disasters in India, Major cyclones in India.
- Population growth, distribution and Density, Rural-Urban Migration.
4.Geography of Madhya Pradesh
- Forest, Forest Produce, Rivers, Hills and Plateaus.
- Climate - Seasons, Temperature, Rainfall.
- Natural Resources- Soils and Major Mineral resources.
- Major Crops, Water Resources, Irrigation and Irrigation Projects.
- Conventional and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy.
- Major Industries of Madhya Pradesh.
- Population Growth, Distribution and Density, Urbanisation.
5. Constitutional System of India and Madhya Pradesh
- Constituent Assembly.
- Federal Executive, President and Parliament.
- Supreme Court and Judicial System.
- Constitutional Amendments.
- Fundamental Rights and Duties of Citizens, Duties and Directive Principle of State.
- National and Regional Constitutional/Statutory Commissions and Institutions.
- Constitutional System of Madhya Pradesh (Governor, Cabinet, Legislative Assembly, High Court).
- Three-Tier Panchayati Raj and Civil Administration system. in Madhya Pradesh
- Good Governance in Madhya Pradesh (Governance System).
6. Economy of India and Madhya Pradesh
- Corrent Situation of Madhya Pradesh in Indian Economy.
- Population and Human Resources Development- Education, Health and Skills in Madhya Pradesh.
- Progress in Sustainable Development Goals in Madhya Pradesh.
- Development of Agriculture, Industry, MSME and Infrastructure
- Development in Madhya Pradesh.
- Self-Reliant/Atma Nirbhar Madhya Pradesh, One District One Product (ODOP).
- Progress of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Madhya Pradesh.
- Recent Trends in Indian Economy- Agriculture, Industry and Service sectors.
- Financial Institutions- Reserve Bank, Commercial Banks, SEBI, Non- Banking Financial Institutions.
- India's foreign Trade Policies G-20, SAARC and ASEAN.
7. Science, Environment and Health
- Preliminary Knowlegde of Main Branches of Science.
- Important Indian Scientific Research Institutions and their Achievements.
- Setellite and Space Technology Achivment of India in the Field of Space Science.
- Structure of Human Body.
- Nutrition, Food, Nutrient and Malnutrition.
- Genetic Disease, Sickle Cell Anemia- Cause, Effect, Diagonosis and Program.
- Health Policy and Programmes, Infectious disease and its Prevention and
- Health Indicator.
- Concept of Sustainable Development and SDG's.
- Environmental Factors, Biodiversity and Ecosystem.
- Pollution, Natural Calamities and Management.
8. International, National and Current Events of Madhya Pradesh
- International Current Events.
- National Current Events.
- Current Events of Madhya Pradesh.
9. Information and Communication Technology
- Basic Knowledge of Computer.
- Electronics, Information and Communication Technology.
- Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security.
- E-Governance.
- Internet and Social Networking Platforms.
10. Tribes of Madhya Pradesh- Heritage, Folk Culture and Folk Literature
- The Geographical distribution of the Tribes in Madhya Pradesh, Constitutional Provisions Related to Tribes.
- Major Tribes of Madhya Pradesh, Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTG) and Tribal Welfare Programs.
- Tribal Culture of Madhya Pradesh- Customs, Traditions, Special Arts Festivals, Dialects and Literature.
- Madhya Pradesh Tribals' Contribution to the Freedom Movement of India and Tribal Personalities of Madhya Pradesh, Important Institutes, Museums and Publications related to tribes of Madhya Pradesh.
- Folk Culture and Literature of Madhya Pradesh.
- Indian History- Political, Economic, Social and Cultural History of India from Harappan civilization to 10th Century A.D.
- Political, Economic, Social and Cultural History of India from 11th to 18th Century A.D.
- Sultanate and Mughal Rulers and their Adminitration and Evolution of Medieval Culture.
- Pre-historic and Protohistoric Madhya Pradesh, Major Dynasties of Madhya Pradesh- Gardbhill, Nag, Olinkar and Parivrajak, Uccha Kalp, Gurjar-Pratihara, Kalchuri, Chandel, Parmar, Tomar, Gond and Kacchapghaat Dynasty.
- Impact of British Rule on Indian Economy and Society.
- Reactions of Indians against British Colonial Rule- Peasant and Tribal Revolts, the First Freedom Movement of Independence. Indian Renaissance- National Freedom Movement and its leaders.
- Freedom Movement in Madhya Pradesh.
- Emergence of India as a Republic Nation, Reorganization of States, Formation of Madhya Pradesh. Major events of the post independence period.
- Indian Cultural Heritage (with special reference to Madhya Pradesh)-Salient aspects of Art Forms, Literature, Festivals and Architecture from ancient to modern time.
- World Heritage Sites and Tourism in Madhya Pradesh.
- Major Princely States of Madhya Pradesh- Gondwana, Bundeli, Bagheli, Holkar, Scindia and Bhopal State (till independence).
- Struggle of Tribal Heroes of Madhya Pradesh and contribution in History- Shankar Shah, Raghunath Shah, Bhimaji Nayak, Khajya Nayak, Tantya Bhil, Ganjan Singh Korku, Badal Bhoe, Pema Falya.
UNIT-I Physical Features and Climate of India
- Geographical Knowledge in Ancient India.
- Major Physiographic (Physical) Divisions of India- the Himalayan Mountains, The Great Plain of North India, The Peninsular Plateau.
- Major Hills, Plateaus, Rivers and Lakes.
- Soils of India- Types and distribution.
- Climate- Seasons, Temperature, Rainfall, Origin of Monsoon, Upper Air Circulation- Jet Stream.
- Climatic Phenomena- El-Nino, La-Nina, Southern Oscillation, Western Disturbances, Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), Consequences of Climate Change.
UNIT-II India- Agriculture and Water Resources
- Agriculture- Production and Distribution of Major crops and Millets.
- Irrigation- Types of Irrigation Techniques, Sources of Irrigation and Multipurpose Projects.
- Food Security, Green Revolution, Strategies for Second Green Revolution and
- Sustainable Agriculture. Conservation and Augmentation of Water Resources- Rainwater Harvesting, Methods of Water Conservation, Interlinking the Rivers, National Water Policy.
UNIT-III India- Natural Resources and Industries
- Forest Resources- Their Types and Distribution.
- Major Minerals and Energy Resources.
- Energy Crises and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy.
- Major industries- Iron and Steel, Cement, Paper, Sugar, Cotton Textile Industry.
- Major Food Processing Industries.
UNIT-IV Disasters and Techniques
- Natural Hazards and Disasters in India- Earthquake, Tsunamis, Droughts, Floods,
- Hailstorm, Fog, Cloud burst, Thunderstorm, Tropical Cyclones in India. • Environmental Pollution- Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Soil or Land Pollution and their Prevention, Control and Management, Measures to Mitigate Pollution.
- Population Growth in India, Population Pressure on Resources, Rural-urban Migration.
- Advanced Techniques in Geography- Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS), Global Positioning System (GPS) and their Applications. Types of Satellites.
UNIT-V Geography of Madhya Pradesh
- Major Physiographic (Physical) Divisions- Malwa Plateau, Madhya Bharat Plateau, Bundelkhand Plateau, Vindhyachal Range, Baghelkhand Plateau, Narmada-Son
- Valley, Satpura Range.
- Major Rivers and Their Tributaries.
- Climate- Seasons, Temperature, Rainfall.
- Soils of Madhya Pradesh- Types and Distribution, Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation.
- Natural Vegetation- Types and Distribution of Forests, Major Forest Produce.
- Major Crops, Irrigation and Irrigation Projects.
- Major Minerals and Energy Resources, Non-Conventional Sources of Energy.
- Major Industries, Small and Cottage Industries.
- Populatin Growth, Distribution and Density, Urbanisation.
PART- (A) Constitution, Governance, Political and Administrative Structure
- Constitution of India Its Formation, characteristics, Basic Structure and important amendments.
- Conceptual elements Objectives, Fundamental Rights, fundamental Duties and directive principles of state policy.
- Federalism- Central State Relations, Supreme Court, High Court, Judicial Review, Judicial Activism, Lok Adalat and Public Interest Litigation.
- Election Commission of India, Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Union Public Service Commission, Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission and NITI Aayog.
- Role of caste, Religion, class, Ethnicity, language and gender in Indian politics, Political parties and voting behavior in Indian politics, civil society and Mass movement, Issues related to National Integrity and security.
- Salient Features of democracy Political Representations, Participation of Citizens in the Decision making Process.
- Community Based Organizations (CBO), Non Government Organizations (NGOs) and Self Help Groups (SHG).
- Role of Media and Problems (Electronic, Print and Social Media).
- Indian Political Thinkers- Kautilya, Devi Ahilya Bai Holkar, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, Ram Manohar Lohia, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya, Jayaprakash Narayan.
- Reorganization of State 1956 and Foundation of Madhya Pradesh, Partition of Madhya Pradesh (2000).
- Governor- Appointment, Powers, Status, Chief Minister and Council of Ministers- Structure, Function and Role.
- The State Legislature of Madhya Pradesh- Constitution and Powers, Role of Speaker, Role of Opposition.
- High Court of Madhya Pradesh, Constitution Jurisdiction and Role.
- Accountability and Rights- Competition Commission, Scheduled Caste Commission, Scheduled Tribes Commission and Other Backword Caste Commission, Central Vigilance Commission, Human Rights Commission, Information Commission, Consumer Forum, Children's Commission, Women's Commission
- Administration of Madhya Pradesh- Secretariat, Chief Secretary, Secretary and Commissioner, District Administration in Madhya Pradesh, Role of District Collector.
- Rural Local Self Government in Madhya Pradesh- Panchayati Raj organization and Powers, Urban Local Self Government- Organization and Power, Finance Bureaucracy in Local Self Government and importance of autonomy.
- Political Scenerio of Madhya Pradesh- Upliftment of Tribal, Backward and Deprived classes and issues related to Naxalite problem.
- Contribution of Women in Politics of Madhya Pradesh.
- Current Issues in the Politics of Madhya Pradesh.
Unit-1 Basic Consepts of Sociology
- Indian Concept of Society- Joint Family, Family, Kinship, Lineage, Clan, Gotra tradition.
- Community, Institution, Association, Culture, Norms and Values.
- Elements of Social Harmony, Concept of Civilisation and Culture. Salient Features of Indian Culture.
- Social Institutions- Family, Education, Religion, Varna, Rin, Yagya, Sanskar.
- Rituals- Various references, Caste system. Ashram, Purushartha, Impact of Religion and Sects on society and marriage.
Unit-II Diversity and Challenges in Indian Society
- Conceptualizing Indian Society- People of India, Unity in diversity.
- Cultural diversity- Regional, Linguistic, Religious, and Tribal.
- Changing scenario of Crime- Drug addiction, Suicide, Cyber Crime, Crimes against Women and Domestic Violence.
- Current Debate- Tradition and Modernity in India.
- Problems of Nation Building- Secularism, Pluralism and Nation building.
Unit-III Rural and Urban Sociology
- Approaches to the study of Rural Society- Rural-Urban differences, Ruralism, and Urbanism.
- Peasant studies, Panchayati Raj System before and after the 73rd Amendment, Rural Leadership, Factionalism, Empowerment of People.
- Social issues and Strategies for Rural Development- Bonded and Migrant labours, Trends of changes in rural society.
- Characteristics of Urban Community, Changes in Urban Commuity, Causes and Impact of Urbanization.
- Concept of Town Planning, Factors affecting to Urban Planning, Problems of Urban Management in India.
Unit-IV Industrialization, Globalization, Social Development and Population
- Industrialization and Social Change in India- Impact on Family, Education, Stratification. Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society.
- The Challenges of Globalization, Indianization of Sociology, Privatization of Education.
- Social Structure and Development, Facilitators, Inhibitors, Development and Socio-Economic disparities.
- Culture and Development- Culture as aid and impediment, Post-Modernization, Westernization.
- Population Growth and Distribution in India- Growth since 1901, Causes and Effects.
- Concepts- Fertility, Mortality, Morbidity, Migration, Age and Sex composition.
Unit-V Human Resource Development and Social Welfare Schemes
- National Education Policy 2020- Vision, Principles, School Education, Higher Education, Professional Education, Online and Digital Education, Adult
- Education and Lifelong learning.
- Issues related to Social Classes and their Welfare Programmes- Senior Citizens, Children, Women, UnderPrivileged Classes and Displaced groups arising out of Developmental Projects. Issues related to Girl's Education.
- Community Development Programme, Extension Education, Panchayati Raj, Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) in Community Development.
- Status of Tribes in Madhya Pradesh and their Social Structure, Customs. Beliefs, Marriage, Kinship, Religious Beliefs, Traditions, Festivals and Celebrations.
- Folk Culture of Madhya Pradesh.
Unit-I Fundamental Aspects of the Indian Economy
- Salient features of Indian economy.
- Viksit Bharat @2047.
- Sectoral contribution of Agriculture, Industry and Service Sector.
- Different concepts of National Income.
- Major Crops and Cropping Patterns.
- Challenges- Declining Productivity, Farmer Distress, and Weather Dependency.
- Government Initiatives- PM-KISAN, NMSA and various schemes.
- Agriculture Price Policy, Marketing and Finance.
- Agri Start-ups and Agro-Processing for Value Addition.
- Industrial Policies and Industrial Development in India.
- Manufacturing and Infrastructure- Make in India and Infrastructure Projects.
- Hospitality and Tourism- Contribution to Foreign Exchange Earnings.
- Standandisation of Goods and Services in India.
Unit-II Taxation and Policy Landscape
- Fiscal Policy- Public Expenditure, Revenue Taxation and Deficit Management.
- Monetary Policy and Financial Inclusion in India.
- Impact of Cash Transactions on Informal Economy.
- Food Security and Public Distribution System.
- Poverty, Unemployment and Regional Imbalances.
- India's Foreign trade: Value, Composition and Direction
- Export Promotion, Import Substitution and Foreign Capital.
- Role of International Financial Institutions: IMF, World Bank, ADB and WTO.
Unit-III Overview of Madhya Pradesh Economy
- Growth in State Domestic Product and Per Capita Income in Madhya Pradesh. Self Reliant/Aatm Nirbhar Madhya Pradesh (ANMP). One District One Product. (ODOP).
- Major Crops, Cropping Patterns and Holdings.
- Food Security, Distribution Systems and Storage.
- Horticulture, Livestock, Dairy and Fisheries.
- Industrial Sector's Status, Infrastructure Development.
- MSME and Growth of Traditional Industries and Support.
- Rural and Urban Development in Madhya Pradesh, Tribal Economy- Farming Methods, Major Forest Produce, Handicrafts and Haat Bazaar.
- Tourism, Trade and Investment Promotion.
Unit-IV Social and Economic Development in Madhya Pradesh
- Health Infrastructure, Education and Skill Development.
- Policies for Natural Resource Management- Forests, Water and Minerals.
- Financial and Social Inclusion and Welfare Schemes.
- Influence of Demography of Madhya Pradesh.
- Productivity of Human Resources and Employment.
- Progress of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Madhya Pradesh
- State Revenue, Expenditure, Debt and Financial Discipline.
Unit- V Statistics, Data Analysis and Probability
- Data collection techniques.
- Mean, Median and Mode- Calculations and Interpretations
- Types of data analysis- Descriptive vs. Inferential.
- Sampling techniques.
- Data presentation techniques- Tables, charts, graphs.
- Basic concepts of probability.
UNIT-I General Science
- Simple Aplication of Science.
- Micro-organism- sturcture and types and Organic Farming.
- Cell- Structure, Types, Division and Function, Classification of Animals and Plants.
- Nutrition in Plants, Animals and Human beings, Balanced Diet, Vitamins, Deficiency Diseases, Hormones, Body Organs of Human Beings- Structure and Functioning.
- Biotechnology- Definition and its uses in sectors like Health and Medicine, Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Industry and Environment.
- Aplication of Ethonobiology.
- Contribution in Astronomy by Arya Bhatta, Varahmihir, Brahmagupta and Bhaskar First and Second. Initial Informaton of Ancient and Modern Observatories.
- Patents and Intellectual Property Rights (Trips, Trims).
UNIT-II Computer Science
- Types of Computers, Characteristics and Generation.
- Memory, Input and Output Devices, Storage Devices, Software and Hardware, Operating systems, Windows, Uses of Microsoft office.
- Fundamental Knowledge of Computer Languages (C, C++, Java), Translators, Interpreters and Assemblers.
- Internet and E-mail.
- Social Media.
- E-Governance.
- Fundamental Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Computing, Diffrent useful Portals, Websites and Webpages.
Mathematical Science
- Numbers and its type, Methods of Unit Measurement, Equations and Factors, Profit loss, Percentage, Simple and Compound Interest, Ratio- Proportion.
- Area and Volume of Geometric shapes and Surface area.
- AYUSH- Basic Principle of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-rigpa, Basic Principles of Homeopathic Treatment.
- One Nation One Health System/Policy-2030.
- Ayurveda- Basic knowlegde of Tridosh, Panchamahabhut, (Aakash, Vayu, Agni, Jal, Prathvi) Dincharya, Ritucharaya, Panchkarma. Biological Clock.
- Health Management including AYUSH at the Central, State, District and Village level. National Health Policy (NHP) and scope of Ayurveda in NHP.
- Yoga Preliminary knowlegde of Panchkosh Principles, Ashtanga Yoga, Shatkarma, Mudra. Naturopathy- Therepeutic effect of Soil treatment, Sun Bath, Hydrotherapy and its types.
- Shodasha Sanskar- General Knowledge of Namkarana, Nishkramana, Karnavedha etc and its scientific importance.
- National Health Programme- Health Hygiene and Disease, Leprosy (NLEP), AIDS (NACP), Blindness (NPCB), Polio, National TB Elimination Program, Vector Born Disease Control Program, Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Program, Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS), Universal and National Immunization Program, National Ayush Mission (NAM), National Family Health Survey (NFHS).
- Swachh Bharat Mission, Ayushmana Bharat Yojana, National Health
- Mission (NRHM and NUHM), Maternal Mortality Rate in Madhya Pradesh.
- Different Biomarkers such as normal range of Hematology, Biochemistry, Serology.
- Primary Health Care- Principles and Elements of Primary Health Care, levels of Health Care, Structure of Primary Health Care at Village and Sub center, Primary Health Center (PHC), Community Health Center (CHC) and levels of Rural Hospitals.
- Concept of Environment in Indian Tradition and Culture. Janapadodhvansh- Distortions of Air, Water, land, Time.
- Impact of Human activities on Environment, Ethics and Values related to
- environment, bio-diversity (especially in the context of Madhya Pradesh),
- Environment- Pollution, Climate change. Endangered and Extinct Species.
- Problems and Challenges Related to Environment, Causes and Effects of Environmental Degradation.
- Environmental Education- Public Awareness Programs, Environmental Education and its Relationship with Health and Safety.
- Environment friendly Technology, Constitutional Provisions for Environmental Protection. Environmental Protection Policies and Regulatory Framework.
- Role of tribes of Madhya Pradesh (Baiga, Sahariya, Bhariya, Bhil, Gond. etc.) in Environmental Conservation.
- Solid Waste Management- Causes, Effects and Control measures of Urban and Industrial Waste.
- Cleanliness Survey Campaign- Objective, Various Stages, Achievements and Future.
- Water Security.
- Various efforts in the field of Water Conservation.
UNIT-I Indian Shaddarshan, Philosophers/Thinkers, Social Reformers
- Indian Shaddarshan.
- Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.
- Mahavir, Buddha, Acharya Shankar, Charwak, Bharthari.
- Gurunanak, Kabir, Tulsidas, Sant Ravidas.
- Ravindra Nath Tagore, Raja Rammohan Roy, Devi Ahilyabai Holkar, Savitribai Phule.
- Swami Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekanand, Maharshi Arvind and Sarvpalli Radhakrishnan, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay.
UNIT-II Nation Building and Moral Concepts
- Concept of Nation, Powers and Constituents.
- National Security, Interests and Character.
- National Security Operations, Armed forces, Bodies, Divisons and Spy Agencies.
- Basic Morality Concepts- Goodness, Virtues, Non-Violence, Responsibility.
- Role of Bhagawat Geeta in Ethics and Administration.
UNIT-III Human Behaviour and Psychotherapy
- Attitude- Subject-matter, Elements, Function, Formation of Attitude, Attitudinal Change, Persuasive Communication, Prejudice and Discrimination, Stereotypeness in Indian context.
- Aptitude- Aptitude and fundamental values for Civil Service, Integrity, Impartiality and Non-partnership, Objectivity, Dedication to Public Service, Empathy, Tolerance and Compassion towards the weaker-Sections.
- Emotional Intelligence- Concepts, their utilities and application in Administration and Governance.
- Individual differences- Factors, Theories and Behaviour Differences.
- Mental Disorders and Psychotherapy- Depression, Social anxiety Disorder, Schizophrenia, Social Phobia, Bipolar Disorder. Psychotherapy- Person Centered Therapy, Behaviour Therapy, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Positive Therapy and Family Therapy.
UNIT-IV Moral Value in Public Administration
- Human Need and Motivation- Elements affecting Human Personalities, dutifulness, sense of Values, Lifevalue, Sensivity, Technology and Moral Values.
- Ethics and Values in Public Administration:- Ethical elements in governance- Integrity, Accountability and Transparency, Ethical Reasoning and Moral Dilemmas, Conscience as a source of ethical guidance. Code of Conduct for Civil Servants, Implementation of Higher Values in Governance.
- Corruption- Types and Causes of Corruption, Effects of Corruption, Approaches to minimizing Corruption, Role of Society, Media, Family and Whistleblower, United Nation Convention on Corruption, Measuring corruption, Transparency International, Lokpal and Lokayukt.
UNIT-V Case Study- Based on the contents of the syllabus in Part-A of question Paper.
पंचम प्रश्न पत्र
सामान्य हिन्दी एवं व्याकरण
कुल अंक- 200
इस प्रश्नपत्र का स्तर स्नातक परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण छात्रों के समकक्ष होगा। इसका उद्देश्य उम्मीदवार की पढ़ने व समझने, भाषायी दक्षता, लेखन की योग्यता एवं हिन्दी में स्पष्ट तथा सही विचार व्यक्त
करने की क्षमता का मूल्यांकन करना है। निम्नलिखित विषय-सामग्री पर प्रश्न पूछे जाएँगे। प्रत्येक प्रश्न की अंक योजना निर्दिष्ट है-
(क) लघुत्तरीय प्रश्न- निर्धारित सम्पूर्ण पाठ्यक्रम के अंतर्गत ही पूछे जाएँगे। | 25 x 03 = 75 |
(ख) रस- अंग एवं प्रकार । 5 x 1 (05 अंक) छंद- दोहा, सोरठा, चौपाई। 5 x 1(05 अंक) | 10 x 01 = 10 |
(ग) अनुवाद वाक्यों का- 1. हिन्दी से अँग्रेजी 5 x 3 (15 अंक) 2. अँग्रेजी से हिन्दी। 5 x 3 (15 अंक) 3. प्रशासनिक मानक शब्दों के अर्थ (10 अंक) हिन्दी से अँग्रेजी शब्द (05 शब्द) 5 x 1 अँग्रेजी से हिन्दी शब्द (05 शब्द) 5 x 1 | 10 x 03 = 30
10 x 01 = 10 |
(घ) 1. संधि एवं समास 5 x 2 (10 अंक) 2. मुहावरे एवं कहावतें 5 x 2 (10 अंक) | 10 x 02 = 20 |
(ड़) प्रारंभिक व्याकरण एवं शब्दावलियाँ (प्रत्येक प्रश्न के 2 अंक होंगे। 1. विराम चिह्न 2. शब्द शक्तियाँ 3. विलोम शब्द 4. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द 5. तत्सम एवं तद्भव शब्द 6. पर्यायवाची शब्द 7. शब्द-युग्म 8. वर्तनी शोधन 9. वाक्य संरचना एवं प्रकार 10. शब्दार्थ | 10 x 02 = 20 |
(च) पल्लवन- रेखांकित अथवा दी गई पंक्तियों का भाव पल्लवन। | 05 अंक |
(छ) मध्यप्रदेश की प्रमुख बोलियाँ- मालवी, निमाड़ी, बघेली और बुंदेली। (3+3+3+3) (ज) अपठित गद्यांश | 12 अंक 18 अंक |
अंकों का कुल योग | 200 |
षष्ठ प्रश्न-पत्र
हिन्दी निबंध एवं प्रारूप लेखन
1. प्रथम निबंध (लगभग 1000 शब्दों में) निम्नांकित विषय क्षेत्रों से निबंध पूछा जा सकता है। जैसे- भारतीय ज्ञान-विज्ञान परंपरा, विकसित भारत @2047, आत्मनिर्भर भारत की संकल्पना, स्वर्णिम मध्यप्रदेश, अंतरिक्ष में भारत के बढ़ते कदम, मध्यप्रदेश का गौरवशाली इतिहास, पर्यावरण, विज्ञान, धर्म-आध्यात्म, विश्व ग्राम की संकल्पना, शिक्षा में गुणवत्ता, राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति- 2020, परंपरागत कौशल आधारित व्यवसाय, आधुनिकीकरण, भूमंडलीकरण, उदारीकरण, कृत्रिम बुद्धिमता, परंपरागत खेल, सांस्कृतिक विरासत, सभ्यता एवं संस्कृति, धार्मिक सांस्कृतिक पर्यटन, युवा नीति, योग एवं स्वास्थ्य, ई-मार्केटिंग, ई-कॉमर्स, नेतृत्व एवं विकास, सुशासन, नौकरशाही, लोकतंत्र में सिविल सेवाओं की भूमिका, जनजातीय विकास, स्वदेशी, स्वभाषा, राष्ट्रीयता के विभिन्न मुद्दे, राष्ट्रीय एकता एवं सामाजिक समरसता, सामुदायिक जीवन, सामाजिक सरोकार, नवीनीकरणीय ऊर्जा, सतत् विकास लक्ष्य, समावेशी विकास, ग्राहक जागरुकता आज की आवश्यकता, मादक पदार्थों का सेवन एवं दुष्प्रभाव, घरेलू हिंसा, बाह्य एवं आंतरिक सुरक्षा के मुद्दे, व्यवसायगत सरलता, सोशल मीडिया का मानव जीवन पर प्रभाव, गौरवशाली भारतीय संस्कृति, वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम्, मानवीय जीवन में संस्कार और जीवन मूल्य, वन नेशन वन हेल्थ सिस्टम / पॉलिसी- 2030 | (लगभग 1000 शब्दों में) |
अंक-50 |
2. द्वितीय निबंध - समसामयिक समस्याएँ एवं निदान (लगभग 500 शब्दों में) | अंक- 20 |
3. प्रारूप लेखन- शासकीय व अर्धशासकीय पत्र, परिपत्र (सर्क्युलर), प्रपत्र, विज्ञापन, आदेश, पृष्ठांकन, अनुस्मारक (स्मरण पत्र)। (लगभग 250 शब्दों में)। | अंक 15 |
प्रतिवेदन (रिपोर्ट राइटिंग), अधिसूचना (नोटिफिकेशन), ज्ञापन. (मेमोरेण्डम) टिप्पण लेखन । (लगभग-250 शब्दों में) ! | अंक 15 |
योग- | अंक- 100 |
टीप- चूँकि इस प्रश्न पत्र का उद्देश्य ही अभ्यर्थी की हिन्दी भाषा की अभिव्यक्ति एवं उसके सामान्य हिन्दी के ज्ञान का परीक्षण करना है। अतः इस प्रश्न-पत्र के उत्तर देने का माध्यम केवल हिन्दी रखा गया है।